Past Events & Campaigns

WASHERWOMENVOTE 2020 ‘Day of Action’

January 20, 2020

We will be hosting a WWVote 2020 ‘Day of Action’ in laundromats across the country. January 20, 2020 is exactly one year to the day of our next presidential inauguration. This year, it coincides with Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a day when the nation honors the great civil rights leader and social change activist. Martin Luther King Jr. marched in Selma for the right to vote and helped shaped the nation through the Voting Rights Act of 1965. We want to draw attention to the importance of this date and to voting. We also want to make sure that hard-working people, displaced workers and marginalized communities are valued and brought into the voting process.

WASH! presents WasherWomenVote 2020

May 18th, 2019
New York, NY

Thank you to all those that came out to celebrate the launch of Washerwomen Vote 2020 – a grassroots campaign for civic engagement and consciousness raising!